

The CodeSandbox DevTools panel aggregates a series of tools that allow you to work faster and more efficiently. Among these tools, you will find Previews, Tasks and Shared Terminals.

CodeSandbox DevTools


Any previews associated with your project, namely those spun up by tasks, will be accessible in a port listed under Previews in the DevTools tab. Each preview will show a tag next to it to identify its associated task, or show Unconfigured if no task is tied to it.

Clicking on a listed preview will open it on the right side of the editor.


You can also see the list of ports in the terminal panel under the Ports tab at the bottom of the editor.


Tasks set in the tasks.json file will be listed in the DevTools tab. This lists all the configured tasks and allow you to run, stop or restart them. Any tasks that are running will display a Running... tag next to them.

Shared Terminals

Any active shared terminals will be listed under Shared Terminals in the DevTools tab. These are a specific type of terminal that is managed by Pitcher, which means that other users with access to the project can see them.

From this tab, you can also create new shared terminals, which will open in the Terminal tab at the bottom of the editor.