
Storybook Addon

The @codesandbox/storybook-addon (opens in a new tab) allows you to open the code from a story in a Sandbox with the click of a button.

This integration allows you to transform design system documentation into interactive example. We have found this incredibly useful for interactive learning and for sharing bug reproductions.

Connecting Storybook to your workspace

All Sandboxes created from the Storybook addon will be created within the workspace that is listed in the configuration.

Anyone opening a Sandbox from the addon will need to be a part of the workspace in order to access the Sandbox. Luckily organization domains make it very easy for new users to join automatically.

If a workspace has an organzation domain, when a new user opens a Sandbox from a Storybook addon, they will be asked to join the workspace if they have an account with an email that matches the domain of the organization.

You can find a step-by-step guide for setting a domain on the Organization documentation.


// .storybook/main.js
module.exports = {
  // ...
  addons: ['@codesandbox/storybook-addon'],
Storybook configuration (required)

To run the addon, you'll need to configure it in your Storybook's .storybook/preview.js file.

// .storybook/preview.js
const preview: Preview = {
  parameters: {
    codesandbox: {
       * @required
       * Workspace API key from codesandbox.io/t/permissions.
       * This sandbox is created inside the given workspace
       * and can be shared with team members.
      apiToken: <api-token>,
       * @required
       * Dependencies list to be installed in the sandbox.
       * @note You cannot use local modules or packages since
       * this story runs in an isolated environment (sandbox)
       * inside CodeSandbox. As such, the sandbox doesn't have
       * access to your file system.
       * Example:
      dependencies: {
        "@radix-ui/themes": "latest",
        "@myscope/mypackage": "1.0.0",
       * @required
       * CodeSandbox will try to import all components by default from
       * the given package, in case `mapComponent` property is not provided.
       * This property is useful when your components imports are predictable
       * and come from a single package and entry point.
      fallbackImport: "@radix-ui/themes",
       * @optional
       * All required providers to run the sandbox properly,
       * such as themes, i18n, store, and so on.
       * @note Remember to use only the dependencies listed above.
       * Example:
      provider: `import { Theme } from "@radix-ui/themes";
        import '@radix-ui/themes/styles.css';
        export default ThemeProvider = ({ children }) => {
          return (
export default preview;
Story configuration (recommended)
import type { Meta, StoryObj } from "@storybook/react";
const meta: Meta<typeof Button> = {
  title: "Example/Button",
  component: Button,
  parameters: {
    codesandbox: {
       * To import all components used within each story in
       * CodeSandbox, provide all necessary packages and modules.
       * Given the following story:
       * ```js
       * import Provider from "@myscope/mypackage";
       * import { Button } from "@radix-ui/themes";
       * import "@radix-ui/themes/styles.css";
       * ```
       * You need to map all imports to the following:
      mapComponent: {
        // Example of default imports
        "@myscope/mypackage": "Provider",
        // Example of named functions
        "@radix-ui/themes": ["Button"],
        // Example of static imports
        "@radix-ui/themes/styles.css": true,
       * @note You cannot use local modules or packages since
       * this story runs in an isolated environment (sandbox)
       * inside CodeSandbox. As such, the sandbox doesn't have
       * access to your file system.

Make sure to provide the necessary values for apiToken (opens in a new tab) and any additional dependencies or providers required for your specific setup.

For now, this addon only supports the Component Story Format (CSF) (opens in a new tab) stories format.

Additional Notes

  • Ensure that you have proper permissions and access rights to the CodeSandbox workspace specified in the configuration.
  • Verify the correctness of the dependencies and providers listed in the configuration to ensure the sandbox runs smoothly.